Friday, January 13, 2006


Bin us eme bestimmte Grund in letschter Ziit nöd so zwäg. Bin grad innere Lag, woni lieber nöd wär, aber da gitt's nix z'mache. Da mues ich dure. Sött ä Entscheidig träffe, aber die fallt mir überhaupt nöd liecht. Irgendwie wettis ebe doch nöd wahr ha. Ich hasses, wänn ich mich sälber nöd under Kontrolle han, fühle mich nöd gern hilflos...
Trucked mir de Tuume, dass ich das möglichscht bald chan kläre.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Home sweet Home

It was hard to leave my old home, but I also like my new one and I feel comfortable here. Have a look at it:

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Happy new year!

The year 2006 started different. We were in the snow in the mountains and cheered with champagne. It must have been an interesting picture. 27 scouts yelling, shouting and jumping around. Two days later I had to carry all my belongings from one side of the Limmat valley to the other. Exactelly, I moved again. Until now I'm more or less installed, pictures follow as soon as it's done. Only that much: It feels good and the ambiance with the fire lit on is great!