Friday, August 26, 2005

Land unter

Bi ois rägnet's wie verruckt, i andere Länder verbrännt's alles. Das isch doch voll paradox. Naja, lueged sälber...

In Switzerland it's raining like hell and other countries fight against the fire. That's so crazy. A friend of mine lives in Portugal. He published a blog about fires in his country. Have a look at it:

Fire chapter log 1 324 509 459

He asked me to send him some water. I'd love to, but of course I can't. Swiss Scientists say that's only the beginning. Summer 1999 was equal to 2005 and so was 2003. And the years inbetween were very hot.
Maybe we should start thinking about that and afterwards start acting. Is it necessary to use the car for every step we make? How can we lower the consumption of petrol and other polluting substances? It's an interesting subject, don't you think so?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

We had joy, we had fun ...

Last week we went to Corsica for a camp. It took us 6 hours to drive from Zurich to Livorno in Italy where the ferry left to Bastia in Corsica.

After 4 long hours on the ferry we arrived on the island and looked for a camping for the first night. We went by car and we were 8 participants and 3 leaders. Some of us slept in the tents, others in the sand.

We travelled once around the island. And whenever we saw water we stopped and took a bath. Here we are in a river on the west side.

That was another river on the east side of the island. You can see a bridge. We jumped down, it's only 9 meters, and then we slid down the natural slide. That was really funny.

Nice small animals...

In Bonifacio a king wanted to have access to the sea so a stair to the water was built.

Of course we went to the beach as much as possible. Some were really beautifull, others were just nice.

We had our own net with us to play everywhere

Playing on the beach. That's Tobi, our sunshine

Some really beautiful sunsets for you

I can recommend you a visit on the island. It's full of natural and historical beauty. It was a very interesting and funny week and I'm brown now!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Hard working

After 2 and a half week scout camp and one week work i'm going to another camp. This time the camp is from work and we are going to corsica, a french island in the mediterranean sea :-) Finally sea, beach and sun again! Enjoy the summer!