Sunday, January 16, 2005

I'm a big girl

The situation at home got worse with every day since December 31st 2004. And now it's enough for me, I decided to leave my home. It was a hard decision but I'd say it had to be made. I'm moving out. My own apartment. How does that sound? GREAT!!! My own living room, my own bath room, my own kitchen, my own sleeping room, my own ... and so on. And the best thing is: I have a guest bed for you! Whenever you want to visit me (friends from here and friends from abroad of course!) give me a call and step in, you're always welcome.

I'll paint my bath room in blue. Does anyone have a suggestion for the other rooms? I'm open-minded for other ideas :-) The only thing I need is a table, the rest is already waiting for being moved. Cool, isn't it?